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Jarai Woven Wrap

Sale price $400.00
Regular price $575.00


Product details

Jarai Woven Wrap

This intricately woven textile is from the Jarai (or Gia Rai) people of Vietnam's Central Highlands and Northeast Cambodia. It was made using natural dyes and woven by hand on a back strap loom. The size and design of this piece indicates that it was worn as a loin cloth or a wrapped skirt.

A deep, almost black, indigo ground is divided in the center by ikat stripes bordered by red and orange stripes. The top and bottom borders are asymmetrical - the top is decorated with alternating polychromatic stripes of solid colors and traditional designs. The bottom border uses the same colors but in a thinner, more simplified way with some ikat.

Circa: 20th Century

Origin: Vietnam

Material: Cotton

Condition: Excellent

Dimensions: 160" x 22.5"

Inventory number: TX5274

Jarai Woven Wrap